Professor Tolya Stonorov oversaw an upper-level Architecture studio that investigated music in relation to rhythm and movement. Each student spent three weeks mapping a piece of music from a curated list, approaching it as a piece of architecture would be analyzed. The final result of this study was a large-scale drawing/mapping that later informed/translated into an architectural concept. Ideas of pattern, layering, wrapping, repetition, porosity, revealing, and mass customization were discussed. Below are images from Professor Stonorov’s studio.
Pelumi Adefarakan
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Kayla Dawson
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Kianna Ladue
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Nate Simpson
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Abby Lumpkin
Abby Lumpkin
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Alice Backe
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Dan Kamins
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Giselle Maroki
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Haley Brewster
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Jesse Parsons
Joe Walsh
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Kat Ebel Hayes
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Martin Adlianitski